#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################### # POWERdirectory Version 1.08 ### # Script ID: P-RS-DIR-108 # # Script Coordinator: MR. T. Dworzanski (employee #107) # # Created on 8 June 2000 Last Modified on 15 October 2000 # # Script purchased by: n/a ## ################################################################### # Set the following variable to a template HTML file on your server # on which this script will display any necessary results. A sample # is includes with this distribution, and available from # www.trdweb.com/cgi. The template file will be opened by this # script, and edited to include ODP content. The rules for this file # are simple. Where you'd like to have the directory (branch of a # directory) put: SCRIPT(location). Where you'd like to have the # directory content put: SCRIPT(content). Where you'd like to have # the required ODP table put: SCRIPT(table). There is no real way I # can describe this. Here is an example of how this file may look: # Directory #

Your are here: SCRIPT(location)



Here are some links:
# SCRIPT(content)

# SCRIPT(table) # # That's it! Just save a file like that on your server and set the # following variable to the complete path (on the server) to that # file. # (This should be a server path -- e.g. /home/username/www/temp.html -- # *NOT* http://www.domain.com/temp.html) $PathToTemplate = " /home/domains/dictomail.com/web/direcory/search_template.html"; # You have now finished editing this script. No further change to the # code is necessary. Enjoy POWERdirectory! ### DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! ### &GetForm; $Address = &GetAddress; $DMOZPage = &GetPage($Address); $PageLocation = &GetLocation($DMOZPage); $PageListings = &GetListings($DMOZPage); $PageFooter = &GetFooter; open (TEMPLATE, "$PathToTemplate") || die "Content-type: text/html\n\n

Unable to open template."; @InFileData =